Air Fobulous 2040
A key fob sized datalogger that can connect to smart phones with USB-C port
Citizen Science Badge
A badge that enables data collection using a microphone, BME688 air quality sensor to collect data, and upload it using a cell
Pi Day Bling
A bling to celebrate Pi-day and it can detect three keywords namely Pi, 3.14 and Irrational.
VOC Monitor
A second generation VOC sensing device that can measure VOCs and upload it to the cloud
Air Quality Display
A visual aid meant for educating makers about Air Quality
Raspberry Pi based Personal Health Dashboard
A giant display that keeps track of my daily physical activity!
Student Fob tracker
A key fob enabled behavior tracker meant to help educators identify learning needs among educators
Beats Audio Recorder
An Embedded Linux based audio recording device meant to help educators
Social Experiment using Connected Devices
A small social experiment using IoT devices
The Connected Lamp
An IoT lamp that alerts about problems with devices in a fleet.
Boxing datalogger
A Bluetooth enabled datalogger that was embedded inside a boxing glove